Costa Rica - Rich Coast


The first European explorer to encounter Costa Rica was the Great Navigator himself, Christopher Columbus. The day was September 18, 1502, and Columbus was making his fourth and final voyage to the New World. As he was setting anchor off shore, a crowd of local Carib Indians paddled out in canoes and greeted his crew warmly. Later, the golden bands that the region's inhabitants wore in their noses and ears would inspire the Spaniard Gil Gonzalez Davila to name the country Costa Rica, or Rich Coast.

Interesting Facts About Costa Rica:

  • Tourism is the major source of foreign exchange in Costa Rica with over 3 million visitors in 2018. Thirteen percent of Costa Rica’s population is directly or indirectly involved in the tourism sector.

  • Costa Rica is one of 23 countries in the world that does not have a standing army.

  • Costa Rica has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. At birth a Costa Rican can expect to live to the age of 80. It is 79 in the USA.

  • Twenty six percent of Costa Rica’s land is dedicated to conservation. There are 20 national parks and 8 biological reserves.

  • Costa Ricans refer to themselves as Ticos (males) and Ticas (females).

It has been almost 25 years since I have been in Costa Rica. Crossing the border from Nicaragua, I knew the experience would be different. Everything seemed much more developed in Costa Rica. Good roads, nicer looking homes and certainly more consumer options were evident. The average household income in Nicaragua is only 1/3 that of Costa Rica. Tourism and the safe environment that Costa Rica provides, has given Costa Rican’s a much more comfortable lifestyle. I’ll show you some of the natural wonders of this beautiful country in my next few blogs.


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